Tuesday, July 28, 2009

The Next Time You're In The E.R., Say "Hi" To Your Facebook Friends.

If you are a Facebook user, you probably recognize that poll question. The current results on that social networking tool don't match what some actual polls show, but--hey!--it's Facebook! You know, that giant time-sucker on which you play Mafia Wars and flirt with people you hope to someday see naked.
I thought I'd check out some of the anti-government option comments and included them here, typos--and biases--intact:

Derek: At least Obama is almost black though. I remember Dr King say, "I have a dream". Your almost there!!
Jacqueline: NOOOOO! Anyone actually LIKE going to DMV or any other government-run, paper-pushing, impersonal agency where the employees are not there to produce or improve, but just be there?!?
Allison: "DESERVES!!??? no. everyone does not deserve it. its a privillage.
Sally: All people need health care but NOT OBAMACARE.
Dana: Obama=no good
Robby: HELL NO this country is all ready screw what now?
Jeff: Maybe he will call another police officer an stupid for doing his job... That seems to be the right thing to do.
Carrie: Caroline you can when Government takes over the decision for you to get or not to get medical help. Be ready because it's going to happen if they take over.
Adrienne: You think your health insurance sucks now....wait until the Government has control!!!!!!!
Paula: no this is not a communist country but it is headed that way
Denise: Government can't seem to run anything
Jeff: Sorry the govenment is f***king up!!!
Jason: There is a reason why those in the rest of the world comes to America for treatment of cronic health issues. We have the best medical treatment in the world! Nobody in this country is denied access when they need it. You want to fix our system? Get rid of the ambulance chasing lawyers!
Marcia: I hope it fails, why would I want the goverment to take care of me? Too much government and lack of our freedoms. They can't manage medicare I don't want them managing my care! I don't like anything Obama is doing to this country!
Darrell: Do like me, I had no health care for many years. I went to college, graduated, and its amazing I have a great job with INSURANCE. I am back in school at 46 years old! Get over it, educate yourself, there is NOTHING DUE ANYONE!
Ron: I believe the current administration is secretly shredding our constitutiona nd bill of rights every night . This is not the Country I grew up in and certainly not the ones our founding fathers fought and died for
Eagle: why do i need to do that? i can just walk into one of out ER's. or i can schedule an appointment with my primary doctor two weeks from now.
Patrick: You don't have to have insurance to get health care, just go to the emergency room for free, compliments of overtaxed, hard working, tax paying american citizens.
Jessica: I vote HELL NO in government run healthcare! The next step we are going to need the government for is wiping our asses too because there are too many people sitting on their asses getting hemorrhoids while I pay for their healthcare! How about we spend more time focusing on preventive medicine and stopping the whole referral to different specialists while the whole time the consumer is paying for multiple unnecessary copays?I still believe the American people are smart individuals who do not need the GOVERNMENT holding their hand and telling them what to do in their healthcare decisions! According to our Founding Fathers, this is SUPPOSED to be a FREE COUNTRY!! "Give a man a fish, feed him for a day. Teach a man to fish, feed him for a lifetime!"

Talk of our Founding Fathers and Chinese proverbs aside, perhaps Jessica is on to something: I mean, I'm sure we can all learn to perform emergency surgery on ourselves, right?

BeltwayBlips: vote it up!

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