Tuesday, July 28, 2009

If You've Got The Money, Honey (I've Got The Time.)

Thanks to Lefty Frizzell and Jim Beck for the title.

The Public Campaign Action Fund (PCAF) provided those "highlights" you see above (h/t to Sam Stein for pointing it out.)
There are five congressional committees with jurisdiction over health care legislation. So far, three of those committees have cast votes on the matter. 60 members voted for reform, 50 against.
PCAF found the average committee member received almost a million dollars from health/insurance interests. House committee members averaged almost $700,000 each, while their Senate counterparts raked in an average of almost $1.9 million per member.
Are you still wondering why single-payer has long been off the table or why a public option and employer mandates are teetering, too?
When it comes to Congress, take it from Lefty; if you've got the money, honey, you've got their time...

BeltwayBlips: vote it up!


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