Thursday, July 30, 2009

In The End, We All Die Alone.

I have posted about health care reform dissembler Betsy McCaughey on several occasions (here, here and here.) She helped kill reform in 1994 with her bullshit, and is at it again.
Anti-reform conservatives--spurred on by McCaughey's spurious insinuations--are fanning out hither and yon, lying to Americans by telling them there is a "mandatory" end-of-life provision that will await them in any new health care legislation. According to ThinkProgress, "(to) substantiate their claims, conservatives point to Sec. 1233 of the House Tri Committee bill, a section titled “ADVANCE CARE PLANNING CONSULTATION.” But while the language allows Medicare to reimburse providers for consulting with patients about end-of-life issues, nothing in the section mandates a consultation."
There's more here.

So, no, America--in the real world, the Grim Reaper disguised as a government bureaucrat will not be required to show up at the homes of our seniors, counseling them on The End. That Goebbels-like, ghoulish lie is straight out of Far-Right Fantasyland.

BeltwayBlips: vote it up!

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