Thursday, July 30, 2009

I Can't Curb My Enthusiasm.

"It's not TV, it's HBO."
No, it's TV...

The funniest show on TV--Curb Your Enthusiasm--returns September 20 with all four of Larry David's Seinfeld cronies lined up to carry the season's story arc.
I don't go to my high-school reunions, but this is one get-together that I'm actually interested in...


So what are Kramer, George, Jerry, and Elaine up to 11 years after Seinfeld went off the air? Larry David says fans can get an idea of how the characters turned out on the seventh season of his Curb Your Enthusiasm on HBO, reports the (Newark, NJ) Star-Ledger. He shed more details today on the season's main storyline, which will revolve around a show-within-a-show Seinfeld reunion. Jerry Seinfeld and the others will appear in about five episodes of Curb each, though not necessarily together every time.
"For years, I've been asked about a Seinfeld reunion," David told a press tour of TV critics. The real-life David always refused. "Then I thought it might be very funny to do that on Curb. And I kept thinking about it." So if the real David didn't think it was a good idea, why is his TV alter-ego signing on? "That's a very good question, and that will be answered within the show."

Was he always such a master of his domain?

BeltwayBlips: vote it up!

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Yes! I hadn't heard when the next season would start. Can't wait...