Tuesday, August 4, 2009

Did FOX & Friends Bimbo Gretchen Carlson Admit To Doing Research On Crack?

Oops! Guess not...

On Fox & Friends, co-host Gretchen Carlson claimed that through her "own crack research" on the cash for clunkers program, which included spending "a tremendous amount of time on this yesterday finding out information," she determined that in "Minnesota, so far only two of these deals have actually been approved by the government." However, several media outlets have reported that, according to a survey by the Minnesota Automobile Dealers Association, out of 7,500 consumers who participated in the program, approximately 2 percent of transactions have been approved.
Don't worry, Gretchen; we don't think you're actually on crack. We think you're an inane, vapid java bimbo--you know, just like Steve Doocy.

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