Friday, February 20, 2009

For Christ's Sake...


After watching liberal allies of President Barack Obama flood the airwaves in support of the stimulus bill, a conservative third-party group is countering with a provocative new commercial using Jesus Christ to emphasize the scale of the $787 billion package. 

The American Issues Project, which briefly aired a TV spot in last year's presidential race, will go up on Friday with a TV spot that marks the dollars spent with the passage of time.

“Suppose you spent $1 million every single day starting from the day Jesus was born — and kept spending through today,” says the announcer as an image of the three wise men flashes on the screen. “A million dollars a day for more than 2,000 years. You would still have spent less money than Congress just did.” 

According to Chris LaCivita, an AIP consultant, they are spending just under $1 million on the ad, which will be aired on national cable.

The ad, titled “Every Single Day,” represents the first television campaign by conservatives in opposition to a bill that won only three Republican votes in the Senate and none in the House. 

LaCivita said AIP would also revive its website as part of an effort to take a more aggressive stance toward Obama and Democratic-controlled Washington. 

For all its criticism, the stimulus bill is designed to kick-start our dying economy. What is the almost $600 billion--and counting--being spent in Iraq designed to do? 



Anonymous said...

The Republicans asked for time to go over the plan and identify problems with it. Obabma forced it in by shaming the Republicans for not being "bi-partisan" in supporting the bill. So much for the fiscal responsibility he is calling for! In my opionion, Mr. Obama's definition of bi-partisan is "agree with what I want" and that he has no intention of ever looking at being cooperative with Republican issues.

WHAT I AM MORE CONCERNED ABOUT is the law we now have on our books is in fact a means to implement Mr. Obama's health care plans. These additions to the bill were not "pork." The changes are going to force the country into adopting his health care plans without our permission by sneaking it in behind our back.

Please read:

In the post referenced above she writes:

...Hiding health legislation in a stimulus bill is intentional. A year ago, Daschle wrote that the next president should act quickly before critics mount an opposition. “If that means attaching a health-care plan to the federal budget, so be it,” he said. “The issue is too important to be stalled by Senate protocol.”

YES we do need to care. We need to look at the fiscal implications. In addition, we need to review the amendments for other issues. Things that Mr. Obama wants to push into law without our permission!


JohnnyRussia said...

You obviously are new to this blog.

I've written about Betsy McCaughey here previously. She's a discredited hack: