The Atlantic has a piece up compiling the various nefarious feuds Snowflake Snooki has bitched about since an insane John McCain foisted her upon a blindsided nation in 2008. And that old coot still claims to love his country.
Here's the list (H/T to Gawker):
David LettermanWhat? No JackRabbit Café?
Wall Street Journal/Sudeep Reddy
Senator Lisa Murkowski (R)
Levi Johnston
Shannyn Moore
Katie Couric
Nicolle Wallace
Steve Schmidt
Kate Gosselin
The Fed/Ben Bernanke
Pete Rouse
Joe McGinniss
Peggy Noonan
Ashley Judd
Congressman Spencer Bachus (R)
Alaska State Trooper Mike Wooten
Joe Miller
Karl Rove
State Department (Ahmadinejad's birthday)
Rahm Emanuel
Family Guy/Seth MacFarlane
Michelle Obama
President Barack Obama
Kathleen Gustafson
Brian Williams
Emily's List
Ed Gillespie
Mayor Michael Bloomberg
Governor Arnold Schwarzenegger (R)
Michael J. Gross
Vice President Al Gore
Charlie Gibson
Maureen Dowd
Rachel Maddow
60 Minutes
Mark Halperin
John Heilemann
Nick Denton/Gawker
Barbara Bush
U.S. Export Import Bank
Blogger Jesse Griffin
Blogger Dennis Zaki
Andrew Sullivan
Keith Olbermann
CSU students AKA "Dumpster Divers" Ashley Briggs and Alicia Lewis
Blogger Jeanne Devon
Linda Kellen Biegel AKA Celtic Diva
Oliver Stone
John Bitney
Senator Scott Brown (R)
Alaska State Senate President Lyda Green
Andree McLeod
AFL-CIO President Richard Trumka
Bill Ayers
Secretary Madeleine Albright
Sen. John Kerry (D)
Jonathan Martin
Rep. Alan Grayson (D)
Stephen Colbert
Helen Thomas
Anchorage Daily News
Tina Fey
Andrew Halcro
Kim Chatman
Julian Assange
Frank Gwartney
Aaron Sorkin
Alaska Public Safety Commissioner Walter Monegan
Charles Krauthammer
Rick Santorum
TIME Magazine
Westboro Baptist Church (Editor's note: Duh!)
Michael Moore
Blogger Taegan Goddard
Kathy Griffin
New Jersey Gov. Chris Christie
David Kernell
Daily Caller/Chris Moody
1 comment:
Hey, be grateful Sarah. If it weren't for these mean, nasty people, you wouldn't even exist.
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