Tuesday, August 4, 2009

Glenn Beck Has To Remind His Viewers That Domestic Acts Of Terror "Could Ruin Everything."

This deranged maniac has to remind the droolers who buy into his delusions to refrain from killing people. According to Beck, "Just one lunatic like Timothy McVeigh could ruin everything."
What's "everything," Glenn? Calling the president a racist who "despises" white people? Shouting down representatives at town hall meetings? Racist signs and sloganeering at those mindless tea parties? Stray gun nuts casing military installations? Stashing ammo and assault weapons in a paranoid, anti-Obama panic?
I posted yesterday about an advertiser boycott started by Color of Change which aims to put Beck's sponsoring enablers on notice that they are funding the demented rants of a crazy man. It's here if you want to sign it.
Glenn Beck is a loose cannon, and if a TV demagogue has to remind his viewers to avoid acts of domestic terror, how long will it be until one of them actually yells, "Fire?"

BeltwayBlips: vote it up!

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