Tuesday, August 4, 2009

Anti-Health Reform Mob Suggests Painkillers For Chris Dodd's Cancer Washed Down With Ted Kennedy's Whisky.

h/t: TalkingPointsMemo:

These knuckle-dragging mutants are the worst America has to offer.
Chris Dodd announced last week that he has prostate cancer. Ted Kennedy has a terminal brain tumor. This cretinous, corporately-organized mob openly mocked them both.
Astroturfed, staged YouTube events such as these are despicable attempts to shut--and shout--down discussion of health care reform and are funded by right-wing conservative groups and lobbyists bought and paid for by the health insurance industry.
These boobs are kissing cousins of the tea partiers and the "birthers."
I can sense a boatload of in-breeding in all three groups.

BeltwayBlips: vote it up!

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