Monday, July 27, 2009

Say You're Sorry Or I'm Gonna Hold My Breath Until My Face Turns Blue!

That's Michigan Republican Thaddeus McCotter. He's got a lot of time on his hands.
Rep. McCotter seems blissfully unaware that his state's economic problems and chronic unemployment lead a nation with more than enough of both to go around. Is Rep. McCotter really representing the people of his state by working diligently to find solutions to their plight?
Hell, no!
Thaddeus McCotter seems to be working on behalf of the Cambridge Police Department's bruised feelings, as he is wasting time preparing to introduce a resolution demanding that President Obama formally apologize for saying they acted "stupidly" in the arrest of Professor Henry Louis Gates Jr.
McCotter said on Friday that he would introduce the measure unless Obama apologized to Sgt. James Crowley. Today, his office says he's moving ahead with that ridiculous plan.
I'm sure the millions of unemployed in Michigan appreciate a representative from their troubled state acting on behalf of a police department from another state, over 600 miles away.
McCotter is the same idiot who also said on Friday that the health care debate was "reaching the point of absurdity."
Rep. McCotter, that point has been reached, all right--by you.

(Cross-posted on Daily Kos.)

BeltwayBlips: vote it up!


Daniel Gauss said...

Macomb County or Kent County?

Daniel Gauss said...

OOHhhh! I was so close. Right next to Macomb County.. but the same general "L. Brooks Patterson Constituency".