Friday, May 22, 2009

Thrilla In Wasilla.

From Greg Mitchell on HuffPo:

Sarah Palin has picked her writer, or co-writer, or ghostwriter (or what have you) for her upcoming and pricey HarperCollins memoir. It's Lynn Vincent, whose bio highlights being a features editor of World magazine, for conservative evangelicals. Seems to be the right fit.

But Vincent is also the author or co-author of a long list of books, one of the most recent, a 2006 hardback from Thomas Nelson, written with Robert Stacy McCain and titled Donkey Cons: Sex, Crime and Corruption in the Democratic Party.

Among their claims: "The Democratic Party is like the Gambino mob, but with matching federal funds." Its product description at Amazon kicks off with: "Shameless bribery. Illicit sex. Sweeping corruption."

McCain, by the way, is no relation to John but was once a member of a white supremacist group, according to the Southern Poverty Law Center.

Funny, Palin didn't mention the literary stylings of former white supremacists when Katie Couric asked her what she read. 

Let's see: Palin pals around with her secessionist husband and a ghost-writing white supremacist sympathizer while fighting multiple ethics charges and is mother to her failed teenage abstinence test case who held her own baby before she touched her high school diploma.   

Yup. Palin in 2012! 


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