Wednesday, March 18, 2009

Wasilla Will Always Need A Dogcatcher.

Palin would win in an avalanche, and she'd be the "go-to gal" for Iditarod dogs.


A new Public Policy Polling survey shows President Obama would crush Alaska Gov. Sarah Palin in a hypothetical 2012 presidential contest, 55% to 35%.

Yes, it's probably way too early to run these types of polls, but insofar as Palin is concerned, there are some interesting findings. "The key reason Palin would lose to Obama by so much is that even though she might be the top choice for a certain segment of voters within her party, there's also a number of Republicans who say they would vote for Obama if their party nominated Palin."

More: "Palin is viewed negatively by 50% of voters in the country with just 39% holding a positive opinion of her. 69% of Republicans have a favorable view of her, while only 11% of Democrats do."

In an unscientific poll conducted by JackRabbit Café, former TV character Xena the Warrior Princess also bests the Alaskan Disaster, albeit by a much smaller margin.

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