Wednesday, June 2, 2010

BP's Culture Of Incompetence & Irresponsibility.

BP's BS runs as deep as the oil plumes from their exploding rig.

Mother Jones:

If we were to list all of the disastrous exploits in BP's recent history, this list would run a lot longer than a top 10. Here are a few of the worst hits. A 2005 explosion at the company's Texas City refinery killed 15 workers and injured 170 others. The Occupational Safety and Health Administration fined the company $21 million for safety failures that led to that explosion, and the Department of Justice fined the company another $50 million. But even after that, the company continued to flout safety precautions—prompting OSHA to levy another $87 million fine last year. DOJ also fined BP $20 million for Clean Water Act violations stemming from a March 2006 major oil pipeline spill that dumped 200,000 gallons of oil into Alaska's Prudhoe Bay. OSHA fined BP another $3 million just last March for safety violations at an Ohio refinery. And since the Deepwater explosion, it's emerged that the company cut corners and ignored warnings about the rig before the disaster, in which 11 workers died. But BP still hasn't learned its lesson: It's exposing clean-up workers to dangerous chemical dispersants without adequate safety equipment.

Read about 9 more of BP's 10 biggest screw-ups here.

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