Monday, August 3, 2009

"Birther" Lawyer Orly Taitz Melts Down On MSNBC.

Birther sympathizer Orly Taitz is an Orange County, California dentist and correspondence-degreed lawyer who is also quite possibly insane. She's now claiming that she has an authentic Kenyan birth certificate for President Obama.
It was immediately shot full of holes.
Taitz is the same nut who defended Major Stefan F. Cook, the Army reservist who sued to avoid being sent to Afghanistan, although he originally volunteered to serve there. Cook and Taitz argued that Cook's orders were invalid because Obama wasn't a "natural-born citizen," and therefore not commander-in-chief.
The Army routinely revoked Cook's orders, which is standard procedure up until the day of reporting. The wacky lawsuit was dismissed as moot.
I wouldn't let Orly Taitz recommend a toothpaste to me, let alone defend me in a court of law. I wouldn't even sit next to her on a bus.

BeltwayBlips: vote it up!

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