Friday, July 17, 2009

Frank Luntz's Filthy Language.

I've written about Frank Luntz previously. The right-wing political consultant and FOX News regular literally wrote the words that are currently spilling out of the mouths of the army of health care reform foes bellowing nationwide.
ThinkProgress has been tracking the influence of Luntz's talking points, and it's clear that Republicans really don't mind when deceitful words are put in their mouths:

In early May, conservative word guru Frank Luntz authored a messaging memo defining the Republican rhetoric on health care reform. In order to obstruct reform, Luntz offered a set of poll-tested words that he said “should be used by everyone.” Some of those words were “rationing,” “doctor-patient,” “takeover” and “bureaucrats.” Using the Capitol Words search engine, the Sunlight Foundation’s Paul Blumenthal has found that Republicans are following Luntz’s advice:

Over the past month, as the health care debate has really gotten off the ground, the use of these words in the Congressional Record has skyrocketed.
“Rationing” goes from 18 uses in May to 90 uses in June. This marks the highest level of use for the word “rationing” in the Capitol Words database.
“Doctor-patient” goes from 6 uses in May to 20 in June. This marks the highest level of use for the word “doctor-patient” in the Capitol Words database.
“Takeover” goes from 13 uses in May to 106 in June. This marks the highest level of use for the word “takeover” in the Capitol Words database.
“Bureaucrats” goes from 53 uses in May to 78 uses in June. This marks the highest level of use for the word “bureaucrats” in the Capitol Words database.

And my use of "bullshit" has been off the charts since I first read Luntz's 10 pointers in "The Language of Healthcare 2009" and listened to Republicans ape them ever since:

BeltwayBlips: vote it up!

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