Wednesday, July 29, 2009

Convicted Perjurer Mark Fuhrman: "This Is How Riots Start."

Mark Fuhrman, explaining the, um, non-existence of racial profiling in "Hannity's America" to a drooling, knuckle-dragging, basement-dwelling gang of birther, racist mutants and one of their cement-headed, talking-head point men.
BeltwayBlips: vote it up!


Anonymous said...

Crowley was right in this case. He responded to a possible burglary call and did what every officer is suppose to do. Gates, however, has a chip on his shoulder and felt he's above being questioned by a white officer. Obama was wrong when he remarked about it without knowing all the facts. Obama, Eric Holder Prof. Gates, Rev. Wright and Sotomayor are perfect examples of racists. Disorderly conduct gets you a free ride to JAIL!

JohnnyRussia said...

There is nothing illegal about yelling at a cop. Especially one who arrests you in your own house.

But I guess talk radio doesn't talk about that...