Wednesday, June 24, 2009

Chuck Grassley Just Doesn't Get It.

The Iowa Republican is dead-set against a public option and is the ranking GOP member of the Senate Finance Committee. He is ignoring the views of an overwhelming majority of Americans, not to mention his own fellow Iowans.
Hey, Democrats: screw bipartisanship! Republicans will never work with you; why worry about them?
We want a public option, and--if necessary--we want you to use the budget reconciliation process to ram it through!

BTW: Grassley is squarely in the pocket of the health insurance and HMO lobbies--receiving the sixth-most money among U.S. Senators. These groups are vehemently opposed to changing the status quo and are fighting tooth-and-nail against reform, especially a public option.
BeltwayBlips: vote it up!

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