Monday, April 13, 2009

The Nuts Will Be Out On National Tea Party Day--Make Sure They're Not Yours!



Anonymous said...

Will the GOP stop at nothing?


JohnnyRussia said...

The untold story of why Sean Hannity's voice never changed.

David Claiborne said...
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David Claiborne said...

Hahah these people are clowns... hopefully the real media will cover these tea parties too, and show just how insane these people are... it's not about taxes - it's about socialism, it's about a black president who supposedly isn't a citizen, it's about "taking back our country" by any means necessary.

This is astroturf, not grassroots... big money and fox news are encouraging and sponsoring these "spontaneous" events... should be fun!

I pay taxes, so the rich don't have to...Watch this:

JohnnyRussia said...

David, thanks for visiting. Awesome video. Thanks for the link....

Somewhere tomorrow there will be a JumboTron with a giant Glenn Beck in tears.

That's entertainment!