I don't usually read People magazine unless I'm in a waiting room. The reading material is rarely current in waiting rooms, and I think the most recent People magazine I saw in one had a black Michael Jackson on the cover when he still had a nose and hit records.
But I was led to the People website this afternoon from the Huffington Post after I read that GOP convention prop and former future Palin-in-law Levi Johnston had gone on the Tyra Banks show to talk high school tundra sex, which is known is Alaska as "abstinence."
It seems that a disapproving Jesus must've muted ESPN long enough to jump on the horn with Alaska Governor Sarah Palin, because the L'il Maverick spit out a snotty statement quicker than the First Dude could gas up the snowmachine.
From People:
Levi Johnston is in big trouble at the Sarah Palin household.
After taking about sex on The Tyra Banks Show, Johnston – the 18-year-old father of Bristol Palin's baby – was hit with a blistering response from Bristol's mother, Alaska Gov. Sarah Palin. "Bristol did not even know Levi was going on the show. We're disappointed that Levi and his family, in a quest for fame, attention, and fortune, are engaging in flat-out lies, gross exaggeration, and even distortion of their relationship," says the statement from the Palin family rep.
"Bristol's focus will remain on raising Tripp, completing her education, and advocating abstinence," the statement continues. "It is unfortunate that Levi finds it more appealing to exploit his previous relationship with Bristol than to contribute to the well being of the child."
The statement ends, saying, "Bristol realizes now that she made a mistake in her relationship and is the one taking responsibility for their actions."
In the show airing April 6, Johnston tells Tyra Banks that he believes Sarah Palin knew he and Bristol, 18, were having sex when they lived under her roof. "I'm pretty sure she probably knew. Moms are pretty smart," Johnston says.
The couple, who were high school sweethearts, planned to wed after graduating – but ended up splitting earlier this year. At the time, Johnston told Good Morning America that he needed to mature before getting married.
In other snowbilly hijinks:
The half sister of Palin's husband Todd was accused of breaking into the same Wasilla, Alaska, house twice to steal money, the Associated Press reports. Diana Palin, 35, was charged with felony burglary and misdemeanor criminal trespass and theft stemming from two break-ins this week.
According to the Anchorage Daily News, she remained jailed at Mat-Su Pretrial Facility in Palmer in lieu of $10,000 bail and court-approved third party custodian.
Diana and her husband, Scott McLean, live in a different neighborhood from the location of the home she is accused of burglarizing.
McLean said Friday he didn’t recognize the street where his wife was arrested and had no idea why she might do what police say she did. McLean described Diana Palin asa stay-at-home mom who takes good care of their two young children.
McLean said he got a call Thursday around 10:30 a.m. from police, asking him to come pick up their 4-year-old daughter, and has heard nothing since.
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