The ad above was an April Fool's joke.
In an April 1 USA Today article, Larry Marshak reported that "Car and Driver later pulled the fake story (which estimated savings of $250 million between the manufacturers) and apologized for 'going too far' while noting the magazine 'has a proud tradition of irreverent editorial and we amplify that each year with our April Fool's Day joke.' "
I saw this innocuous Car and Driver prank originally highlighted on the Drudge Report, teased with a question mark. I knew it was a joke instantaneously--who wouldn't?
Ta-daaah! Ann Coulter swallowed it whole, and her routine lack of research and faulty fact-checking is right there on the page, for all to see.
And the joke's on her. Again.
Too bad Dan Rather is out of the spot light, he would have ran with it.
Actually, Rather is still very much in the spotlight, though not on network news. The veracity of Rather's reporting wasn't what got him immersed in controversy at the end of his time at CBS--hardcore right-wingers are about the only group who argue that Rather was wrong about Bush. Dan's problems stemmed from the use of questionable supporting documents on a story most believe he got right. Coulter--who it should be noted is not a journalist, but an opinion writer--routinely prints falsehoods and outright lies and on this one was caught with her cocktail dress around her ankles.
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