Wednesday, April 22, 2009

House GOP Races To Complete "100 Really Bad Ideas In 100 Days" Initiative.

     Further indications that House Republicans are out of their minds.

     From The Hill:

     Conservative House Republicans are calling on their leaders to ask President Obama for Homeland Security Secretary Janet Napolitano’s resignation. 
     The Republicans think Napolitano should resign because of the release of a report that singled out conservatives as “right-wing terrorists,” according to several GOP lawmakers.
     House Minority Leader John Boehner (R-Ohio) and Minority Whip Eric Cantor (R-Va.) are set to meet with Obama at the White House on Thursday. It is unclear whether they will request Napolitano’s resignation, but several lawmakers said it was under discussion. 
     “I think leaders are going to bring it up with the president, maybe call for (her) resignation,” one conservative member told The Hill Wednesday.
     Republicans are upset over a Homeland Security report sent to local law enforcement officers earlier this month on how the recession could fuel a resurgence in “radicalization and recruitment” in right-wing terrorism groups. 
     A footnote in the report defined “hate groups” as including groups and individuals dedicated to a single issue, including opposition to abortion or immigration. 
     Napolitano subsequently said the footnote should be struck from the report. 
     Rep. Mary Fallin (R-Okla.) said she could be considered a terrorist under the report’s definition. 
     “I serve my nation, I’m in my third year of Congress, I serve my state, I own shotguns, I believe in the Second Amendment; I don’t consider myself to be a threat on the scale of terrorism; I’m just a working mom who believes in the right to bear arms,” Fallin said. 

     Molly K. Hooper filed the rather sloppily-written report for The Hill. Her second paragraph implies that the report had "singled out conservatives...", but the word "conservative" never appears in the Homeland Security report; the emphasis is on radical elements of the hard-right. Whether Hooper was attempting to describe actual House conservatives' concerns or herself alleging their singling out is unclear.    
     What is clear is that there is no shortage of idiocy in today's Grand Old Party.

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