Monday, February 9, 2009

"Moscow Backs Roosevelt."

Sound familiar?
That's a headline in William Randolph Hearst's newspapers from 1936, when FDR was running for re-election.
When Barry Goldwater ran for president in 1964, he chastised fellow Republican Dwight Eisenhower for running a "dime store New Deal" in the 1950s.
FOX News and most of their anti-government, free-market, history-ignorant cohorts on the right regularly claim that--as FOX bimbo Monica Crowley argued on Christmas Eve--"all kinds of studies and academic work" prove that spending on public works made the Great Depression worse. 
Sorry, Monica: the New Deal was a good deal, your asinine revisionist history notwithstanding.  
But then, what should we expect from a Nixon assistant and biographer who once wrote an article on the Chief Executive Crook that resulted in charges of plagiarism?

(Graph courtesy of the Campaign for America's Future.)

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

If you notice that Roosevelt was BALANCING the budget not spending his way out. He lowered taxes in some areas and raised it in others and raised tarrifs on imported goods. He shifted monies from one government office to another he just did not create more government he shifted the government around in order to create jobs (NEW DEAL). The fact is that the Governments never creates anything without the people. Remember this the government is supposed to represent the people and not the other way around. Washington (Republican or Democrat) does not understand this. The true power and greatness of the UNITED STATES is the people NOT the government. Thanks for reading this and may GOD bless you and the U.S.