Thursday, February 5, 2009

Another Day, Another FOX Demagogue.

Glenn Beck defected from CNN Headline News for FOX News, and watching the door hit him in the ass must have been the most satisfying thing to happen to "America's Most Trusted News Source" since they bought that cheesy hologram machine.

Beck--whose grasp of reality is as tenuous as his talents are barren--has taken to regularly branding Barack Obama a "socialist," probably because Sean Hannity had dibs on "terrorist." His childish attempts at pungent political commentary fit in quite well with the rest of the bottom-feeders at Rupert's fake news station.

I won't post video of this fool's bit because it's too incredibly f****** stupid. He calls it "Comrade Update," and for added measure, the idiots at FOX turn the "r" in "comrade" backwards, because I guess they think their play on the Russian alphabet is funny.

That symbol in Russian is sounded as "ya" not "r."

So Beck's bit is actually called "Comyad Update."

What the f*** is a "comyad," Glenn?


Anonymous said...

I linked here from a comment on . . . glad to see I'm not the only one out there who bristles at cutesy "Russkifying" of the capital R and N characters by flipping them in English words.

Watching Beck's nauseating clip, I literally counted down the seconds until they would flip the R in the headline . . . totally called it. ;-)

And I know they had different intentions, but the "Toys Yah Us" sign hasn't been the same for me since I first took Russian classes back in the late '80s . . .


JohnnyRussia said...

Ha! I spent a summer in Russia and although my grasp of the language is extremely limited, it's nowhere near as limited as the mind of Glenn Beck.

Thanks for visiting. Or should i say, "Spasiba!"

Unknown said...

I stumbled across your blog while browsing Salon and have found yet another kindred spirit. Glenn Beck as well as other twisted neo-cons and outright mental defectives seem to populate way too much of the airwaves and I want to personally thank you for helping to expose them for what they are.

JohnnyRussia said...

It's my pleasure.

Thx for visiting!