Wednesday, March 5, 2008

"Timeless & ageless"

     An ever-alert friend of JackRabbit Café--the exceedingly-lovely Ms. Denise--has alerted the News Desk to the following item from London: 
  Keith Richards is the new face of Louis Vuitton, the French luggage and handbag maker. About the only thing that I know about Louis Vuitton is that O.J. Simpson had one of the company's bags with him on his L.A. return just after he hacked his wife and her friend to bits.
  According to Rita Clifton, head of the Brit division of a brand consulting firm, "Keith Richards is timeless and ageless. He's lived his life on the edge but he's not a sleaze bag. He's lean and mean and he's still current."
  (And he's still alive.)  

***UPDATE: The World's Second Coolest Man (Dylan is the First) is donating the money he received to be a supermodel to the Climate Project, spearheaded by Nobel Prize winner Al Gore.***

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