The Best Looking Man in Show Business Today makes valid points--with which I happen to agree--in the "comments" section of the "Aw, c'mon, man" post from yesterday.
Unfortunately, we probably have the election system we deserve. The majority of Americans are politically apathetic, woefully uninformed, operating with a herd mentality and gullible, to boot. This two-party system we have sucks, and both parties are bought and paid for, many times over.
And, yes, I've heard the cliche: the lesser of two evils is still evil.
Reality bites, though, and Ralph Nader's entrance into this year's campaign will again act only as a net negative for the Democratic nominee. Wishful thinking and cantankerous protest votes will not change the math, which isn't fuzzy and certainly isn't warm.
The only shot at any sort of "progressive" agenda lies with a Democrat, not an Iraq War supporter like John McCain, and not with Ralph Nader, an American hero who has as much of a chance of becoming president as Dennis Kucinich.
Changing this system isn't an election-time process. It is a between-election-time, on-going necessity. I'm sure Ralph Nader's late entrance seems noble to him, and I won't argue that point. But in view of the harsh electoral realities, I can't support it. I'm a pragmatic realist, and Nader's candidacy is a non-starter.
But I guess he's trying to make a point, huh?
A Republican or a Democrat will be elected in November. Again. If we really want "change", then we need to work at it year 'round, every year, and not just once every four years, right before we hop into the voting booth on Election Day.
But Barack will need a new head of the E.P.A., and I've got just the guy...
Where was Ralph Nader at Christmas time when toys made in China were infected with lead paint? We didn't hear a thing from him. If anyone saw him on Meet the Press Sunday he looks old (because he is old) and like something the cat dragged in. Not presidential at all. And he says America is disenchanted with the democratic selections. Hello, Ralph. Either wake up or go back to sleep where you've been for the last 20 years except when there's a national election around the corner!
If you knew anythng about trade agreements and Nader positions, you would know that there would be many fewer poisoned products in the USA (and not just from China). But I am sure Ralph was somewhere saying, "I told you so." Problem is, you weren't listening.
Also, I can see where the looks thing is an important consideration for responsible voters. Thanx for the insight...
The Best Looking Man in Show Business Today
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